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Question: How do I use the function ldexp( ) in a program?

Answer: The math function ldexp( ) is used while solving the complex mathematical equations. This function takes two arguments, a double value and an int respectively. The order in which ldexp( ) function performs calculations is ( n * pow ( 2, exp ) ) where n is the double value and exp is the integer. The following program demonstrates the use of this function.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void main( )
double ans ;
double n = 4 ;

ans = ldexp ( n, 2 ) ;
printf ( "nThe ldexp value is : %lfn", ans ) ;
Here, ldexp( ) function would get expanded as ( 4 * 2 * 2 ), and the output would be the ldexp value is : 16.000000
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