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Language in C Interview Questions and Answers

Question: How do I programmatically delete lines in the text window?

Answer: While writing programs that perform screen-based I/O, you may want to-delete the current line's contents, moving one line up, all of the output that follows. In such cases a function called delline( ) can be used. Following code snippet illustrates the use of function delline( ).

#include <conio.h>
main( )
int i ;
clrscr( ) ;

for ( i = 0; i <= 23; i++ )
printf ( "Line %drn", i ) ;

printf ( "Press a key to continue : " ) ;
getch( ) ;

gotoxy ( 2, 6 ) ;

for ( i = 6; i <= 12; i++ )
delline( ) ;

getch( ) ;
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