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MSSQL Interview Questions and Answers

Question: Why I am getting this error when renaming a database in MS SQL Server?
Answer: If you are trying to rename a database that is in use, you will get an error message like this: "The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation."

Before renaming a database, you must stop all client sessions using this database. Otherwise, you will get an error as shown in this tutorial example:

1. Launch one instance of SQL Server Management Studio and run:

USE withoutbook

2. Keep the first instance running and launch another instance of SQL Server Management Studio:

ALTER DATABASE withoutbook
MODIFY NAME = withoutbookdb
Msg 5030, Level 16, State 2, Server LOCALHOSTSQLEXPRESS
The database could not be exclusively locked to perform
the operation.

Obviously, the first instance is blocking the "ALTER DATABASE" statement.
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