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Ques 1. What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high-level dynamic data types, and classes.

Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many systems calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems, and is extensible in C or C++. It is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface.

Finally, Python is portable: it runs on many Unix variants, on the Mac, and on PCs under MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2.

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Ques 2. What are the benefits of Python?

The benefits of Python are as follows: 

  • Speed and Productivity: Utilizing the productivity and speed of Python will enhance the process control capabilities and possesses strong integration.
  • Extensive Support for Libraries: Python provides a large standard library that includes areas such as operating system interfaces, web service tools, internet protocols, and string protocols. Most of the programming tasks are already been scripted in the standard library which reduces effort and time.
  • User-friendly Data Structures: Python has an in-built dictionary of data structures that are used to build fast user-friendly data structures.
  • Existence of Third-Party Modules: The presence of third-party modules in the Python Package Index (PyPI) will make Python capable to interact with other platforms and languages.
  • Easy Learning: Python provides excellent readability and simple syntaxes to make it easy for beginners to learn.

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Ques 3. What are the key features of Python?

 The following are the significant features of Python, and they are:

  • Interpreted Language: Python is an interpreted language that is used to execute the code line by line at a time. This makes debugging easy.
  • Highly Portable: Python can run on different platforms such as Unix, Macintosh, Linux, Windows, and so on. So, we can say that it is a highly portable language.
  • Extensible: It ensures that the Python code can be compiled on various other languages such as C, C++, and so on.
  • GUI programming Support: It implies that Python provides support to develop graphical user interfaces

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Ques 4. What type of language is Python? Programming or Scripting?

Python is suitable for scripting, but in general, it is considered a general-purpose programming language.

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Ques 5. What are the applications of Python?

The applications of Python are as follows:

  • GUI-based desktop applications
  • Image processing applications
  • Business and Enterprise applications
  • Prototyping
  • Web and web framework applications

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