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Ques 71. Differentiate between SciPy and NumPy?

The difference between SciPy and NumPy is as follows:

Numerical Python is called NumPyScientific Python is called SciPy
It is used for performing general and efficient computations on numerical data which is saved in arrays. For example, indexing, reshaping, sorting, and so onThis is an entire collection of tools in Python mainly used to perform operations like differentiation, integration and many more.
There are some of the linear algebraic functions present in this module but they are not fully fledged.For performing algebraic computations this module contains some of the fully-fledged operations

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Ques 72. How do Python arrays and lists differ from each other?

The difference between Python array and Python list is as follows:

The array is defined as a linear structure that is used to store only homogeneous data.The list is used to store arbitrary and heterogeneous data
Since array stores only a similar type of data so it occupies less amount of memory when compared to the list.List stores different types of data so it requires a huge amount of memory 
The length of the array is fixed at the time of designing and no more elements can be added in the middle.The length of the list is no fixed, and adding items in the middle is possible in lists.

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Ques 73. What is the difference between range and xrange?

Both methods are mainly used in Python to iterate the for loop for a fixed number of times. They differ only when we talk about Python versions.

The difference between range and xrange is as follows:

Range() methodXrange() method
The xrange() method is not supported in Python3 so that the range() method is used for iteration in for loops.The xrange() method is used only in Python version 2 for the iteration in loops.
The list is returned by this range() methodIt only returns the generator object because it doesn’t produce a static list during run time.
It occupies a huge amount of memory as it stores the complete list of iterating numbers in memory. It occupies less memory because it only stores one number at a time in memory.

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Ques 74. What is Django? What are different interview questions and answers on Django?

Please refer Django interview questions and answers.

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Ques 75. List the ways we add view functions to urls.py.

  • Adding a function view
  • Adding a class-based view

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