Features added/updated: - Font selection - Tables - Positioning - Cursors - [*] matches any tag, e.g *{color: red}. - [>] Parent-Child relationship, e.g body>div.header>p{color: red}. - Space can be used to specify that a tag must have other tags as its ancestor. e.g table a img {border:none}. - can be used to specify some restriction on sibling tags. e.g img + p {color:red}. There are special syntax to match some mouse hovering, focusing, behaviors. e.g a:link {color:red}, a:visited {color:green}, a:hover {color:yellow}. - Can be used to match a tag only if it is the first child. e.g li:first-child {color:red}. - :first-letter and :first-line can be used. e.g p:first-letter {color:red}, p:first-line {color:blue}. - You can match the existence of a attribute, by the syntax tagName[attributeName]. e.g a[title] {color:red}. -You can match a tag's attribute's value, using the syntax tagName[attributeName="valueString"]. e.g img[alt="icon"] {border:solid thin red}. - A word in the value of a attribute can be matched, by using the operator ~=. e.g img[alt~="house"] {border:solid thin red}. - Layout are done with attributes “display” and “position”. e.g BBB {display:block; position:absolute; top:300px, left:50px}. - Has the ability to specify a table format. e.g BBB {display: table-row}, CCC {display: table-cell}. - “white-space” has a new behavior spec: nowrap. e.g DDD {white-space: nowrap}. Text can be inserted at the beginning or end of specified tag, using :before and :after. e.g AA:before {content:'Proof: '}, AA:after {content:'End of Proof.'}. - Background Image can be repeated, or just horizontally or vertically. e.g AAA {background-repeat:repeat-x} | Features added/updated: - CSS 3 Selectors - Rounded Corners - border-image - box-shadow - text-shadow - Gradient - RGBA: Color, Now with Opacity - Transform (Element Rotation) - Multicolumn Layout -Web Fonts - border-radius - background-origin and background-clip - background-size e.g background-size: auto 125px; - Multiple Backgrounds e.g background-image: url(sheep.png), url(betweengrassandsky.png); - HSL colors -HSLA colors - opacity - RGBA colors - text-overflow - word-wrap - box-sizing - resize - outline - attribute selectors - nav-top, nav-right, nav-bottom, nav-left - overflow-x, overflow-y - content |