In Spring 2.5, return ModelAndView is an old style code writing. | In spring 3.0 add later you can return both ModelAndView or nameView either. |
Spring framework 2.5 is compatible with Java 1.4 and higher versions. | Spring framework 3.0 is compatible with Java 5 and higher versions. |
In Spring framework 2.5, native expression language exists which is less powerful than spring expression language of spring 3.0 and it has different parsing rules. | Spring framework 3.0 introduces Spring Expression Language which defines bean definitions based XML and Annotation. |
Spring framework 2.5 does not support type conversions and field formatting. | Spring framework 3.0 has type converting system and field formatting. |
Spring framework 2.5 does not offer complete support for JSR303 bean validation API. | Spring framework 3.0 fully supports the JSR303 bean validation API. |
Spring framework 2.5 does not support the embedded database engines. | Spring framework 3.0 offers support for various embedded database engines like HSQL, Derby and H2. |
Spring framework 2.5 does not support Comprehensive REST. | Comprehensive REST support is available in Spring framework 3.0. |
This is not available in 2.5. | We provide support for asynchronous method invocations through the use of the new @Async annotation. |
This is not available in 2.5. | A mvc namespace has been introduced that greatly simplifies Spring MVC configuration. Additional annotations such as @CookieValue and @RequestHeaders have been added. |