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Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers

Ques 1. What is TensorFlow and explain its primary use?

TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning library developed by the Google Brain team. It is primarily used for building and training deep learning models.


import tensorflow as tf

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Ques 2. Explain tensors in TensorFlow.

Tensors are multi-dimensional arrays, the fundamental building blocks of data in TensorFlow. They represent the input and output data of a computation graph.


tensor = tf.constant([1, 2, 3])

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Ques 3. Explain the concept of eager execution in TensorFlow 2.x.

Eager execution is the default mode in TensorFlow 2.x, allowing operations to be executed immediately. It simplifies debugging and provides a more intuitive interface for building models.


No explicit session or graph code is required in TensorFlow 2.x

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Ques 4. What is the Keras API, and how does it relate to TensorFlow?

Keras is a high-level neural networks API written in Python. TensorFlow provides an implementation of the Keras API as tf.keras, making it the official high-level API for building and training models in TensorFlow.


model = tf.keras.Sequential([...])

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Ques 5. What is eager execution and how is it enabled in TensorFlow?

Eager execution allows operations to be executed immediately as they are called, similar to regular Python code. It can be enabled in TensorFlow 2.x by default, or explicitly using tf.compat.v1.enable_eager_execution().


No explicit session or graph code is required in TensorFlow 2.x

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Intermediate / 1 to 5 years experienced level questions & answers

Ques 6. What is a TensorFlow session and why is it important?

A TensorFlow session is an execution environment for running a computational graph. It encapsulates the state of the TensorFlow runtime and runs computational graphs.


with tf.Session() as sess:
    result =

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Ques 7. Explain the concept of placeholders in TensorFlow.

Placeholders are used to feed actual training examples into the computational graph. They allow you to create the graph without knowing the actual data that will be fed into it.


x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, input_size))

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Ques 8. What is a TensorFlow variable and how is it different from a constant?

A TensorFlow variable is a mutable tensor that can be modified during program execution. Unlike constants, their values can be changed using operations like assign.


weight = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random_normal(shape=(input_size, output_size)))

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Ques 9. Explain the concept of eager execution in TensorFlow.

Eager execution is a mode in TensorFlow that allows operations to be executed immediately as they are called, rather than building a computational graph to execute later.


result = tf.add(3, 5).numpy()

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Ques 10. Explain the difference between eager execution and graph execution in TensorFlow.

Eager execution evaluates operations immediately, while graph execution involves building a computational graph to be executed later. Eager execution is the default mode in TensorFlow 2.x.


No explicit session or graph code is required in TensorFlow 2.x

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Ques 11. What is the purpose of the tf.GradientTape in TensorFlow?

tf.GradientTape is used for automatic differentiation in TensorFlow. It records operations for computing gradients, allowing you to calculate gradients with respect to variables.


x = tf.constant(3.0)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
    y = x * x
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x)

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Ques 12. Explain the concept of model checkpoints in TensorFlow.

Model checkpoints are a way to save the current state of a model during training. They can be used to resume training, fine-tune a model, or deploy a trained model.


checkpoint_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath='model_checkpoint.h5', save_best_only=True)

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Ques 13. What is the purpose of the tf.function decorator in TensorFlow 2.x?

The tf.function decorator is used to convert a Python function into a TensorFlow graph, allowing for better performance through graph execution and enabling graph optimizations.


def my_function(x):
    return x * x

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Ques 14. Explain the concept of data augmentation in image classification using TensorFlow.

Data augmentation involves applying random transformations to input data during training to increase the diversity of the dataset. In image classification, this can include rotations, flips, and zooms.


data_augmentation = tf.keras.Sequential([

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Ques 15. What is the purpose of the in TensorFlow? is used to create a dataset from CSV files. It allows you to efficiently read and parse data from CSV files for use in TensorFlow models.


dataset ='data.csv', record_defaults, header=True)

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Ques 16. How can you handle missing data in a TensorFlow dataset?

Missing data can be handled using the and operations to skip or filter out examples with missing values.


dataset = dataset.filter(lambda x, y: tf.math.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(tf.math.is_nan(x))))

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Ques 17. Explain the purpose of the tf.summary module in TensorFlow.

The tf.summary module is used for creating summaries of training metrics and visualizations. It is commonly used with TensorFlow's TensorBoard for monitoring and debugging models.


summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(logdir)
with summary_writer.as_default():
    tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss, step=epoch)

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Ques 18. How do you implement early stopping in a TensorFlow model training process?

Early stopping can be implemented using callbacks, such as tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping. It monitors a specified metric and stops training if the metric does not improve after a certain number of epochs.


early_stopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=3), epochs=100, callbacks=[early_stopping])

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Ques 19. Explain the use of the tf.image module in TensorFlow.

The tf.image module provides a collection of image processing operations in TensorFlow. It is commonly used for tasks such as resizing, cropping, and adjusting image contrast.


image = tf.image.resize(image, [height, width])

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Ques 20. Explain the purpose of the tf.keras.layers.Embedding layer.

The Embedding layer is used for word embeddings in natural language processing tasks. It maps integer indices (representing words) to dense vectors, allowing the model to learn semantic relationships between words.


embedding_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=vocabulary_size, output_dim=embedding_dimension)

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Ques 21. How can you save and load a TensorFlow model?

A TensorFlow model can be saved using the tf.keras.models.save_model method. It can be loaded using the tf.keras.models.load_model method for further use or deployment.

loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model('saved_model.h5')

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Ques 22. Explain the purpose of the tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices method.

tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices is used to list all available physical devices (CPUs, GPUs) in the TensorFlow environment. It can be helpful for configuring distributed training or checking available hardware.


devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices(device_type='GPU')

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Ques 23. What is the purpose of the method in TensorFlow?

The cache method in is used to cache elements in memory or on disk, improving the performance of dataset iteration by avoiding redundant data loading.


dataset = dataset.cache()

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Experienced / Expert level questions & answers

Ques 24. What is a TensorFlow Estimator?

A TensorFlow Estimator is a high-level API for creating, training, and evaluating machine learning models. It simplifies the process of model development and deployment.


classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(hidden_units=[10, 20, 10], n_classes=3)

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Ques 25. Explain the purpose of the module in TensorFlow.

The module provides a collection of classes for building efficient and scalable input pipelines for TensorFlow models. It is used to handle large datasets.


dataset =, labels))

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Ques 26. What is transfer learning, and how is it implemented in TensorFlow?

Transfer learning is a technique where a pre-trained model is used as the starting point for a new task. In TensorFlow, this can be achieved using the tf.keras.applications module.


base_model = tf.keras.applications.MobileNetV2(weights='imagenet', include_top=False)

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Ques 27. Explain the concept of a TensorFlow Graph and Session in version 2.x.

In TensorFlow 2.x, eager execution is enabled by default, eliminating the need for explicit sessions and graphs. Computation is executed imperatively, as in regular Python code.


No explicit session or graph code is required in TensorFlow 2.x

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Ques 28. Explain the use of the Adam optimizer in TensorFlow.

Adam is an optimization algorithm commonly used for training deep learning models. It adapts the learning rates of each parameter individually and combines the advantages of other optimization methods.


optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.001)

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Ques 29. What is the purpose of the tf.distribute.Strategy in TensorFlow?

tf.distribute.Strategy is used for distributed training in TensorFlow. It allows you to efficiently train models across multiple GPUs or devices, improving training speed and scalability.


strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()
with strategy.scope():
    model = tf.keras.Sequential([...])

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Ques 30. Explain the purpose of the tf.function input_signature parameter.

The input_signature parameter in tf.function specifies the input signature of the function. It helps in static shape checking, allowing TensorFlow to optimize the function for a specific input signature.


@tf.function(input_signature=[tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None,), dtype=tf.float32)])
def my_function(x):
    return x * x

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