Glassfish Interview Questions and Answers
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Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers
Ques 1. What is Glassfish application server?
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition provides a server for the development and deployment of
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) applications and web technologies based
on Java technology. GlassFish Server 3.1 provides the following:
■ A lightweight and extensible core based on OSGi Alliance standards
■ A web container
■ An easy-to-use Administration Console for configuration and management
■ Update Tool connectivity for updates and add-on components
■ Support for high availability clustering and load balancing
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Ques 2. Default Administration values for Glassfish Server.
- Domain name : domain1
- Master password : changeit
- asadmin(1M) command-line utility : as-install/bin
- Configuration files : domain-dir/config
- Log files : domain-dir/logs
- Administration server port : 4848
- HTTP port : 8080
- HTTPS port : 8181
- Pure JMX clients port : 8686
- Message Queue port : 7676
- IIOP port : 3700
- IIOP/SSL port : 3820
- IIOP/SSL port with mutual authentication : 3920
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Ques 3. How to Start and Stop the Default Domain?
When you install GlassFish Server, a default domain nameddomain1 is created. The following
procedures describe how to start and stopdomain1when it is the only domain.
To Start the Default Domain
GlassFish Server software must be installed before you start the domain.
Run the asadmin start-domain command without an operand:
as-install/bin/asadmin start-domain
The command starts the default domain, domain1.
for starting any domain (e.g domain name: employee): as-install/bin/asadmin start-domain employee
To Stop the Default Domain
Run the asadmin stop-domain command without an operand:
as-install/bin/asadmin stop-domain
The command stops the default domain, domain1.
for stopping any domain (e.g domain name: employee): as-install/bin/asadmin stop-domain employee
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Ques 4. How to start Administration console in Glassfish?
The GlassFish Server Administration Console provides a browser interface for configuring,
administering, and monitoring GlassFish Server.
To Start the Administration Console
At least one GlassFish Server domain must be started.
Type the URL in your browser.
The default URL for the Administration Console on the local host is as follows:
If prompted, log in to the Administration Console.
You will be prompted to log in if you chose to require an administration password at the time GlassFish Server was installed.
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Ques 5. How to Deploy and Undeploy Applications by Using the Administration Console?
The graphical Administration Console of GlassFish Server enables you to perform the following deployment-related tasks:
To Deploy the Sample Application by Using the Administration Console
The sample application must be available before you start this task. At least one GlassFish Server domain must
be started before you deploy the sample application.
1) Launch the Administration Console by typing the following URL in your browser:
2) Click the Applications node in the tree on the left.
The Applications page is displayed.
3) Click the Deploy button.
The Deploy Applications or Modules page is displayed.
4) Select Packaged File to be Uploaded to the Server, and click Browse.
5) Navigate to the location in which you saved thehello.warsample, select the file, and click
You are returned to the Deploy Applications or Modules page.
6) Specify a description in the Description field, for example: hello
7) Accept the other default settings, and click OK.
You are returned to the Applications page.
8) Select the check box next to thehelloapplication and click the Launch link to run the
The default URL for the application is as follows:
To View Deployed Applications in the Administration Console
1) Launch the Administration Console by typing the following URL in your browser:
2) Click the Applications node in the tree on the left.
Expand the node to list deployed applications. Deployed applications are also listed in the table on the Applications page.
To Undeploy the Sample Application by Using the Administration Console
1) Launch the Administration Console by typing the following URL in your browser:
2) Click the Applications node in the tree on the left.
The Applications page is displayed.
3) Select the check box next to thehellosample application.
4) Remove or disable the application.
■ To remove the application, click the Undeploy button.
■ To disable the application, click the Disable button.
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Intermediate / 1 to 5 years experienced level questions & answers
Ques 6. How to Deploy and Undeploy Applications in Glassfish Command Line?
The process of configuring and enabling applications to run within the GlassFish Server
framework is referred to asdeployment.
To Obtain the Sample Application
Download a copy of thehello.warsample application from
Save thehello.warfile in the directory of your choice.
This directory is referred to as sample-dir
To Deploy the Sample Application From the Command Line
The sample application must be available before you start this task. To download the sample, see “To Obtain the Sample Application” on page 8. At least one GlassFish Server domain must be started before you deploy the sample application.
Run the asadmin deploy command.
The general form for the command is as follows:
as-install/bin/asadmin deploy war-name
To deploy the hello.war sample, the command is as follows:
as-install/bin/asadmin deploy sample-dir/hello.war
Access thehelloapplication by typing the following URL in your browser:
The application's start page is displayed, and you are prompted to type your name.
Hi, my name is Angel. What’s yours?
Type your name and click Submit.
The application displays a customized response, giving you a personal Hello.
To List Deployed Applications From the Command Line
Run the asadmin list-applications command:
as-install/bin/asadmin list-applications
To Undeploy the Sample Application From the Command Line
Run the asadmin undeploy command.
The general form for the command is as follows:
as-install/bin/asadmin undeploy war-name
Forwar-name, use the literal hello, not the full hello.warname.
For the hello.war example, the command is as follows:
as-install/bin/asadmin undeploy hello
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Experienced / Expert level questions & answers
Ques 7. How to start and stop database server through Glassfish?
A database server is not started by default when you start the GlassFish Server domain. If your applications require a database back end, you must start and stop the database server manually.
The following procedures describe how to start and stop the Java DB server that is bundled with GlassFish Server. For information about starting and stopping other database servers, see the documentation for your specific product.
To Start the Java DB Server
At least one GlassFish Server domain must be started before you start the database server.
Run the asadmin start-database command.
The general form for the command is as follows:
as-install/bin/asadmin start-database --dbhome directory-path
For example, to start the Java DB server from its default location:
as-install/bin/asadmin start-database --dbhome as-install-parent/javadb
To Stop the Java DB Server
Run the asadmin stop-database command:
as-install/bin/asadmin stop-database
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Ques 8. How to deploy and undeploy application automatically in Glassfish?
To Deploy the Sample Application Automatically
You can deploy applications automatically by placing them in the
as-install/domains/domain-name/autodeploydirectory, wheredomain-nameis the name of
the domain for which you want to configure automatic deployment. For this example, use the
default domain, domain1:
The sample application must be available before you start this task.
Copy the applicationWAR file to theas-install/domains/domain-name/autodeploydirectory.
■ On UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X systems, type this command:
cp sample-dir/hello.war as-install/domains/domain-name/autodeploy
■ OnWindows systems, type this command:
copy sample-dirhello.war as-installdomainsdomain-nameautodeploy
GlassFish Server automatically discovers and deploys the application. The default URL for the application is as follows:
To Undeploy the Sample Application Automatically
Change to the domain'sautodeploydirectory.
cd as-install/domains/domain-name/autodeploy
Delete the sample application'sWAR file to undeploy and remove the application.
■ On UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X systems, type this command:
rm hello.war
■ OnWindows systems, type this command:
del hello.war
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Most helpful rated by users:
- What is Glassfish application server?
- Default Administration values for Glassfish Server.
- How to Start and Stop the Default Domain?
- How to start and stop database server through Glassfish?
- How to start Administration console in Glassfish?
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